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Equipo de Arquitectura | UHP SynagogueEquipo de Arquitectura | UHP Synagogue

2023-05-15 发布
© Leonardo Méndez


The project is the product of an international competition to restore an old construction that was used as a Synagogue at the Hebraic Union of Paraguay. The challenge of any ceremonial space demands a reflection that respects the religious essence and the culture that involves it. Imagining a space of introspection and prayer suggest a creation of silence, where rite becomes the main protagonist.

项目外观概览© Leonardo Méndez


After analyzing the masterplan, we began the design process by locating two prisms, one as a threshold and the other as the holy enclosure. These two volumes converge at the union and they complement each other, structurally and morphologically.

建筑结构分析图© Federico Cairoli

具有神圣感的建筑外墙© Federico Cairoli

由棱柱体量组成的建筑© Leonardo Méndez


The outer case works as a strongbox, controlling the access of the synagogue through metallic doors that protect the interior.

像保险箱一样的建筑外壳© Federico Cairoli

金属门控制出入© Federico Cairoli


This great container breaks down into two pieces. The first piece builds the transition of scale and frames the synagogue’s entry. The second piece, which is bigger, limits the interior space and sets the temple’s presence. The concept of a prism inside the other is fairly simple, creating a cushion between the exterior, wide open and noisy, towards the interior, silent and spiritual.

室内空间概览© Leonardo Méndez

入口空间© Leonardo Méndez

宽敞的内部空间© Leonardo Méndez


All the materials express their true nature. Raw concrete displays strength and sturdiness to represent the temple’s protection. Rusted metal represents resilience, a characteristic of the Jewish community. The wood gives shelter to the ceremonial space, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere, with great acoustics and thermal conditions. Thus, the exterior is the antithesis of the interior, creating a dichotomy between interior – exterior, cold – warm, noise – silence.

木材营造出温暖舒适的氛围© Federico Cairoli


Sunlight enters the interior space through perimeter skylights and truncated pyramids that build the ceiling. This separates the roof from the structure, creating a weightlessness sensation and generates different chiaroscuros throughout the day.

阳光从天窗照进室内© Leonardo Méndez

座椅细节© Federico Cairoli

© Leonardo Méndez, Federico Cairoli

坚固的混凝土© Leonardo Méndez

夜览教堂© Leonardo Méndez


The transformation of old constructions belongs to the series of sustainable criteria that must be considered at the beginning of a project that works with preexistences. Rethinking what already exists allows us to present new alternatives without discarding the energy and effort invested in a determined place and time.  

手绘草图© Equipo de Arquitectura

首层平面图© Equipo de Arquitectura

A-A’剖面图© Equipo de Arquitectura

B-B’剖面图© Equipo de Arquitectura

Project infomation

项目名称: UHP Synagogue
建筑设计: Equipo de Arquitectura (Horacio Cherniavsky + Viviana Pozzoli)
项目地址:  巴拉圭 亚松森
项目时间: 2017
建设时间: 2019
建筑面积: 375 m2
摄影师: Leonardo Méndez
施工单位: SIAR
合作单位: Jonathan Sosky, Diego Soto

Project name: UHP Synagogue
Architects: Equipo de Arquitectura (Horacio Cherniavsky + Viviana Pozzoli)
Location:  Asunción, Paraguay
Project year: 2017
Construction: 2019
Built surface: 375 m2
Photographer: Leonardo Méndez
Construction: SIAR
Collaborators: Jonathan Sosky, Diego Soto