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VenhoevenCS | 深圳宝安排涝河碧道总体规划VenhoevenCS | 深圳宝安排涝河碧道总体规划

2021-11-09 发布

深圳宝安排涝河碧道自然河岸 Urban nature banks ©Shenzhen Hope Design

VenhoevenCS, 深圳翰博设计股份有限公司和中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司团队为中国深圳宝安区排涝河中部的新生活景观设计了获胜的总体规划。位于低海拔的快速城市化地区,排涝河碧道项目将预防因暴雨造成的洪水泛滥。河岸将丰富城市自然景观,将蓄水空间融入社区日常。新的生态区旨在通过公园和驿站来容纳社会和文化活动以及体育活动。除了调节自然的 “海绵效应”外,滨河堤岸将促进经济增长以及整个城区的韧性、认同和活力。该项目体现了 VenhoevenCS 对自然包容设计的远见和追求,通过重塑人类与自然环境的共存,确保所有生命形式的可持续、健康的未来。

Team VenhoevenCS-HOPE-HUADONG has designed the winning masterplan for a new living landscape along the central Pailao River in the Bao’an district in Shenzhen, China. As a rapidly urbanising region located below sea level, the Pailao River Blueway Project will prevent flooding due to heavy rainfall. The riverbanks will be enriched with urban nature, incorporating space for water retention, deep into the neighborhood. The new ecological zones are designed to accommodate social and cultural activities and sports with parks and pavilions. In addition to the mediating ‘sponge effect’ of nature, these banks will enhance economic growth as well as the resilience, identity, and vibrancy of the entire city district. The project exemplifies VenhoevenCS’ visionary approach to nature-inclusive design, reshaping the co-existence of the human and natural environment to ensure a sustainable, healthy future for all life forms.

排涝河实景鸟瞰 Pailao River Birdeye View ©VenhoevenCS

沿排涝河的现有步行道 Existing Walk along Pailao River ©VenhoevenCS

排涝河上的高架路 Highway above the Pailao River ©VenhoevenCS

“分层策略是排涝河碧道项目最重要的设计策略。根据设计任务为场地定制了丰富的储水空间,但通过我们的综合方法,我们将使现有的城市地区不受气候影响,并带动城市更新。”Ton Venhoeven – VCS建筑与规划事务所

“Our proposal for the Pailao River Blueway Project is layered. We organised the requested water storage there, but with our integrated approach we will make an existing district climate-proof and enhance urban regeneration at the same time.” Ton Venhoeven – VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism

Designing with water for urban regeneration


To future-proof their masterplan, the VenhoevenCS team created an innovative design with water to adapt to the consequences of climate change: the construction of ponds, green roofs, more space for trees, urban farming, new parks, wetlands, and soft banks are just a few interventions that organise water storage and determine the new identity of Bao'an. This is crucial because the intensity of rainfall is increasing in this subtropical part of China and the dense development of industry and housing, the dominance of infrastructure, and the limited capacity of the Pailao River make Bao'an vulnerable to flooding.

改造后的鸟瞰 Birdeye View ©Shenzhen Hope Design


To redesign the waterway, the team zoomed out far beyond the contours of the plan area. The Blueway Project was considered in relation to the network of rivers flowing to the sea and the dense urban areas in between. The climate-adaptive transformation of these neighborhoods and their public space became essential to the masterplan. Space for nature also constitutes changes in mobility – after all, more nature implies less asphalt, less parking and fewer cars. Bao'an remains accessible with mobility hubs, robust public transport, and an extensive network for local, slow traffic. Grey matter becomes green space, with water at the heart of the area’s identity.

Urban nature and entrepreneurial visions


The concrete quays of the Pailao River will be replaced by wide, soft banks that act as sponges. This riverside urban nature area has been designed as a series of varied parks which prioritise pedestrians and cyclists - a welcome addition to the huge bridges and overpasses for car traffic. The spaces under the viaducts offer meeting places and sites for cultural activities and local initiatives, staying dry in the rain and shady in the sun.

排涝河柔软河岸、驿站,旱季与雨季对比 Pailao River, with soft banks and pavilions, here in the dry and in the wet season ©Shenzhen Hope Design

河口公园,旱季与雨季对比 River Mouth Park, here in the dry and in the wet season ©Shenzhen Hope Design

桥下空间,旱季与雨季对比 Space Under Bridge, here in the dry and in the wet season ©Shenzhen Hope Design


The masterplan’s sustainable principles have been consistently applied down to the smallest scale of the design, as seen with the pavilions. The pavilions function at any water level because they are on stilts, contribute to biodiversity with green roofs, and are constructed out of wood. They will additionally be run by local entrepreneurs to develop a public offering; along with the urban nature area, the pavilions contribute to Pailao River becoming a revitalised destination for all residents of Bao'an district.

驿站 Pavilion ©Shenzhen Hope Design

本地活动 Local activities ©Shenzhen Hope Design

Pioneering research

作为一种前瞻性思维、议程基础的实践,VenhoevenCS 团队采用好奇心导向和创造性的研究方法来应对重大气候挑战。2021年初期,该团队使用可持续发展目标作为设计工具,对即将发生洪水的地区进行了研究。他们在荷兰的 IABR–Atelier Dordrecht 应用了这些经验:在即将发生洪水的情况下,“De Staart”区域的安全布局提案充当了真正可持续城市更新的杠杆,这反过来又为我们在排涝河碧道的工作中提供了有力的参考。

As a forward-thinking, agenda-setting practice, the VenhoevenCS team takes an inquisitive and creative approach to research to address major climate challenges. The team conducted research earlier this year into designing for areas with imminent flooding, using Sustainable Development Goals as design tools. They applied these learnings at IABR–Atelier Dordrecht in the Netherlands: the proposal for a safe layout of 'De Staart' area in the event of imminent flooding acted as a lever for truly sustainable urban regeneration, which in turn informed their work on the Pailao River Blueway Project masterplan in the face of similar conditions.


排涝河碧道总平面 Master plan ©VenhoevenCS

河道断面 River section ©VenhoevenCS

规划设计与建筑:VenhoevenCS 建筑与城市规划事务所
项目面积:736.000 ㎡

Name: Pailao River Blueway Project
Location: Shenzhen, CN
Assignment: Masterplan
Client: Shenzhen Bao’an District Water Bureau
Urban design and architecture: VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism
Landscape design: Shenzhen Hope Design Co.,Ltd.
Water design: HUADONG Engineering Corporation Limited (HDEC)
Status: Tender won; start design masterplan
Design-completion: 2021-2023
Surface: 736.000 ㎡
Images: Shenzhen Hope Design Co.,Ltd.


Ton Venhoeven
VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism 创始人

Mr. E.A.J. (Ton) Venhoeven是VenhoevenCS 建筑与城市规划事务所的建筑设计总负责人和创始人。除了作为建筑师和城市规划师外,他还作为智能化都市、微型城市、健康城市、一体化发展、智能交通网络、公共交通导向发展 (TOD)等其他领域的专业顾问。Venhoeven先生不仅具有设计实务和工程背景,也有丰富的政治和学术的经验。VenhoevenCS建筑与城市规划事务所从事的项目极为多样化,涵盖改善国家的基础设施、河道拓宽、防洪整治、整合不同交通运输网络并由多节点式的交通发展、公共交通导向发展和城乡地区综合规划与发展。Venhoeven先生也为许多国际或私人机构担任专家顾问,例如:中国住建部、城乡发展机构、世界银行中国、印度总部等。近年来,VenhoevenCS在Ton Venhoeven 的带领下与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学多次进行项目研究与合作并且造访中国进行与中国高校之间的学术交流。
