2019年6月,立足国家对外开放大局和承办高规格国际国内会展活动需要,对接国家“一带一路”和“长三角一体化发”战略,宁波市委、市政府在全球范围内启动宁波国际会议中心建筑方案设计竞赛,以营造“具有国际一流水准,富有中国江南韵味”的国际会议中心,全面提升宁波城市开放度、影响力和号召力。 深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司的建筑设计方案成为最终的中标方案。 会议中心选址位于宁波市区东南侧东钱湖风景名胜区,占地面积约70公顷(1050亩),总建筑面积达约28.66万平方米。 设计完整保留了场地现状地貌、水系和生态系统,会议中心建筑群集约架空布置在一条南北走向的带形区域内。建筑的集约放置,让710亩稻田得以保留,是城市快速扩张时代中对农业景观样本的浪漫挽留,一方面直面建筑密度和产业发展的关系,为城市发展的土地诉求预留了弹性;另一方面完整保留的农田成为生态连续的、具有雨洪韧性的“城田共生”过渡地带。 In June 2019, based on the country's opening up strategy , the need to host high-profile exhibitions, and responding to the “Belt and Road” as well as the “Yangtze River Delta integration” strategies, the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government launched the international architecture design competition for the Ningbo International Conference Center, attempting to elevate the City's openness, influence and appeal with such an international conference center of "world-class standard and Chinese water town charm". Tanghua Architect & Associates has won the international architecture design competition for Ningbo International Conference Center. The conference center is located in the Dongqian Lake Scenic Area on the southeast side of Ningbo City, covering an area of about 70 hectares (1050 mu), with a total construction area of about 286,600 square meters. Preserving the current typology, water system and ecosystem with the conference center intensively arranged in a belt-shaped area, the design is a romantic retention of agricultural landscape in the era of rapid urban expansion. Not only did it flexibly reserves land for future urban development, but also the current paddy has become an ecologically continuous transition zone of “city-field symbiosis”.