In the context of stock development, urban functions and spaces are optimized and upgraded through urban renewal to promote urban vitality and charm. At the same time, as urban development is moving towards diversification, efficiency, and delicacy, how to accelerate population importing, optimize urban functions, enhance industrial structure, and promote functional value has become the main focus in the process of urban development and renewal.
The construction of vertical cities and complex buildings is based on in-depth thinking and active exploration of China's urban development issues. Under the current people-oriented principle, it is a comprehensive solution that fits the development of high-quality cities in China. The construction of vertical cities and complex buildings is not only based on the high-density and high-duty top head estates surrounding the urban rail stations, but also optimizes the functional layout of urban land around the transportation hub, and optimizes the integrated connection of the public transportation system and the slow traffic system. In order to meet the diversified daily life of residents, it provides a vertical, efficient, intensive, comfortable and green urban public space.
In order to improve the theoretical and practical level of China's vertical cities and complex buildings design, and to explore the vertical cities and complex buildings design road with Chinese characteristics, under the care and guidance of the Architectural Society of China, the forum has been planned by the Committee of Vertical City and Complex Building-ASC, and co-sponsored by Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd. and Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen, the " 3rd Vitality and Charm - Multidimensional Renewal of Urban Vertical Space International Academic Forum" will be held on October 16-17, 2021 in Shenzhen.
This forum will gather top experts in the field of vertical cities, public space development and renewal, with an international perspective and the whole process concept as the starting point, share vertical cities and complex buildings design experience, and strive to create modernized cities that are intensive, efficient, and ecologically livable in the future.

4F, Courtyard Shenzhen Bay,No.16, Keji South Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangdongAC建筑创作 / Apark建筑公园 / CA当代建筑 / CBC建筑中心/ 城市总设计师 / ikuku建筑网 / UniDesignLab / ZaomeDesign / 城市设计 / 城市设计联盟 / 风景园林网 / 规划师 / 国际设计网 / 建筑实践 / 建筑档案 / 建筑技艺 / 景观邦 / 设计互视 / 深圳市城市设计促进中心 / 世界建筑Instructor
Architectural Society of China
Committee of Vertical City and Complex Building-ASC
International Academic Forum Organizing Committee
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen
East China Architectural Design & Research Institute
Chongqing Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.
China Architecture Design & Research Group
China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp. Ltd.
Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
Shenzhen Exploration & Design Association Planning Professionals' Committee
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen
Visual Design
Media Coordinator
Professional Media

会址 | 深圳湾万怡酒店4F
Venue | 4F, Courtyard Shenzhen Bay
参观 | 万科云设计公社展厅
Visit | Vanke Design Community Exhibition Hall
参观 | 深圳湾超级总部基地城市展厅
Visit | Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base Exhibition Hall

Guest Oration
Deputy Secretary General of Shenzhen GovernmentDirector of Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality主论坛主旨演讲
Achieve "Double Carbon" Target, Empower Green Urban DevelopmentFormer Vice Minister of MOHURDSophisticated Urban Design and the City Chief DesignerMulti-dimensional Design and Delicacy Management of Urban Vertical SpaceExecutive Chief Architect, Deputy General Manager of SZAD品质·空间,面向存量的深圳“立体城市”规划设计实践Quality·Space: Planning & Design Practice of Shenzhen's "Three-Dimensional City" with Diminishing Land InventoryChairman, President and Professor-level Senior Planner of UPDISVitality and Charm-Cases of Protective Regeneration in Core Area of ShanghaiPresident, Chief Architect of ECADICognitive Renewal of the Vertical CityVice-President of SZCAUPDProfessor-level Senior Urban PlannerGrowing Like a Plant: the Renovation of Jiangsu Horticultural ExpoProfessor Senior ArchitectDeputy Chief Architect of CADG Land-Based Rationalism D.R.CMaking an Attractive CityCEO, President Architect of MJSStation Urbanism-the US ExperienceAviation & Transportation Practice Leader of SOM城市活力中心区公共空间的开放性和包容性
Research on the Openness and Inclusiveness of Public Space in the City's Active Central Area
Party Secretary and Chairman of CQDGExtended Thinking of TOD Three-dimensional CityDeputy Chief Architect of BIADHead of TOD Development & Research InstituteUrban Space Construction under the City ChangesChief Architect of CSWADIDirector of Zheng Yong Design StudioA Chain-reaction Type Urban Renewal from a Spot Development, Spread into a Line, then to the Entire DistrictDirector and General Manager of NSSHPublic Life Woven by Multilayer StreetsVice President, Architecture, China, AECOMProfessorate Senior ArchitectBaoan Walkway Design StrategyEx-director (China Studio) of JCFOFounder of HCS (Shenzhen)City Chief Designers Round TableRound Table Guests│Alphabetical OrderNational Engineering Survey and Design MasterVice-President, Chief Architect of GDADDirector of Key Project Construction Office,
Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
Deputy Party Secretary of Dongguan Natural ResourcesFormer Vice Minister of MOHURDDirector of School of Architecture of HITSZ National Engineering Survey and Design MasterDirector of School of Architecture of SCUT Distinguished Professor of Chang Jiang ScholarsStanding director of Urban Planning Society of ChinaProfessor-level Senior Urban PlannerDirector of Urban and Architectural Design Office,Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen MunicipalityPresident, Chief Architect of ECADIVice Chief Planner of CAUPDShenzhen Engineering Survey and Design MasterProfessor-level Senior Urban Planner
本次论坛主要邀请中国建筑学会会员参加;同时也欢迎行业内非会员相关专业人士参加。This forum mainly invites members of ASC; at the same time, non-member professionals in the industry are also welcome to participate.包含论坛期间的会议资料、会议午餐等相关费用;不含往返深圳的交通及住宿费。Including conference materials, lunch and other related expenses during the forum; roundtrip and accommodation fees are not included.Before October 8th (including 8th)1,000 yuan/person for members; 1,500 yuan/person for non-membersOn-site registration, 1500 yuan/person for all如因参会者原因不能如期出席会议,可变更参会人员,已交参会费恕不退还。如遇不可抗力因素(出现疫情),需出具由当地政府部门发布的公文退还费用。If you cannot attend the meeting as scheduled due to participant reasons, you can change the participants, and the fee will not be refunded. In the event of force majeure (an epidemic), an official document issued by the local government department must be issued to refund the fee.会员报名
Member Registration
Non-member Registration
Scan the Code to Register Online
Scan the Code to Register Online本次年会报名截止日期为10月8日,由于会务接待工作的需要,请在截止日期前进行报名及缴费,以便会务安排。The registration deadline for this annual meeting is October 8th. Due to the needs of conference reception work, please register and pay before the deadline to facilitate conference arrangements.
由参会代表按下面联系方式自行预订,报会议名称“立体城市国际论坛”可享受协议价。根据协议酒店的要求,2021年10月8日之后报名的参会代表,不能保证入住大会预订的3家协议酒店。Participants can make their own reservations according to the following contact information, and report the name of the conference "Vertical City International Forum" to pay as the negotiated price. According to the requirements of the agreement hotels, participants who register after October 8th, 2021 cannot be guaranteed to stay in the 3 agreement hotels booked by the conference.Lia Charlton Hotel ShenzhenStandard King Size Room: 660 yuan/night (including 1 Breakfast)Standard Twin Room: 720 yuan/night (including 2 Breakfast)Contact: Manager Guo 18926520078深圳汉普斯酒店
联系人:谌经理 13410065788
Standard King Size Room: 618 yuan/night (including 1 Breakfast)Standard Twin Room: 658 yuan/night (including 2 Breakfast)Contact: Manager Chen 13410065788Standard King Size Room: 500 yuan/night (including 1 Breakfast)Standard Twin Room: 599 yuan/night (including 2 Breakfast)Contact: Manager Hua 18682264082
Committee of Vertical City and Complex Building-ASCShenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen