中国香港特别行政区(2021年5月25日)—— 12个来自亚太区的杰出房地产开发项目赢得2021年ULI亚太区卓越奖,该奖项被公认为房地产行业最具影响力的奖项之一。今年的获奖项目,每一个都表现出了综合的高品质与前瞻性的设计及开发实力,其中5个项目来自中国、4个项目来自新加坡、2个项目来自日本,1个项目来自澳大利亚。以上获奖项目从79个参选项目中脱颖而出,参选项目数量之多打破了历年纪录。
遂宁南滨江公园 – 中国四川省遂宁市
798艺术区 - 中国北京
开发商:Urbis Development,北京七星集团;
UCS环球创意广场 - 中国北京
Kampung Admiralty – 新加坡
裕廊湖公园 – 新加坡
开发商: 新加坡国家公园局;
设计者:CPG Consultants Pte Ltd, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
Marrick & Co – 澳大利亚新威尔士州悉尼
设计者:TZG Architects, Mirvac Design
南丰纱厂 – 中国香港特别行政区荃湾
设计者:南丰集团设计部,Thomas Chow Architects
Nihonbashi 2-Chome Area Project –日本东京
Paya Lebar Quarter – 新加坡
Punggol Town – 新加坡
Tri-Seven Roppongi – 日本东京
开发商:Pembroke Real Estate;
设计者:Pembroke Real Estat
武汉天地地块A – 中国湖北省武汉市
建筑设计:Ben Wood Studio Shanghai, 巴马丹拿集团,佩里·克拉克·佩里建筑师事务所,Benoy
Thanks to our Jurors
ULI亚太区主席蒲禄祺表示:“在疫情流行和经济衰退的背景下,ULI亚太区峰会提供了一次绝佳的机会,让我们相聚在一起,共同为亚太地区那些真正堪称典范的房地产项目喝彩,这将对我们的行业起到激励作用。” 他还表示,“这也是ULI通过知识共享以及最佳实践传播为行业贡献价值的又一个例子。”
ULI亚太区总裁David Faulkner对今年评选收到的参选项目的高品质表示赞赏,他表示:“卓越奖计划对ULI非常重要,因为它表彰了杰出的开发项目、倡议以及建筑师、开发商、投资者的出色工作,我们都能从中学习。来自亚太地区多样化的项目证明了这项评选的价值。奖项得主们值得为他们创造的成就而自豪,我们非常感谢大家在提交申请中所付出的时间和精力,同时也要诚挚感谢各位评审团成员的不懈努力。”
评审团主席、Cistri董事、ULI全球受托人Peter Holland表示:“ULI亚太区卓越奖在2019年创办以来不断发展壮大。” “今年收到了有史以来数量最多的参选作品,同时项目质量也在不断提高,因此评审团再三斟酌才将最终获奖项目范围缩小到12个。尽管这些项目在规模、类型和地理位置上存在显著差异,但它们都有一个共同特征:本身都是优秀的项目并体现了ULI原则。”
负责评选获奖项目的国际评审团由ULI会员领袖组成,他们代表了房地产各个学科领域,包括金融、规划、开发、设计以及其他专业服务的专家意见。除Peter Holland以外,亚太地区7个国家/地区分会中负责2021年ULI亚太区卓越奖评选的评审成员还有:瑞安房地产总监陈建邦、KPF总监程蓉、SOM总监Ame Engelhart、新加坡市区重建局主创规划设计师Siew Leng Fun、戴玉祥产业咨询公司首席执行官Choon Fah Ong、Pembroke副总裁兼日本主管Gordon Hatton、IGIS Asset Management总监Sang Hun Yim、阿卡迪亚资本/三菱地所株式会社管理合伙人Ko Iwahori、NH Architecture董事总经理Roger Nelson、铁狮门董事总经理/全球设计与施工联席主管Bob Pratt、太古地产总经理Adrian To以及AECOM副总裁Sylvester Wong。
关于城市土地学会 (Urban Land Institute)
ULI 在亚太地区7个国家/地区分会拥有会员两千五百余位。如欲了解更多有关ULI亚太区的信息,敬请访问asia.uli.org 或在 Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn及Instagram关注我们。
Twelve Outstanding Developments Announced as Winners of the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence
HONG KONG SAR, China (25 May 2021) – Twelve outstanding real estate development projects from across the Asia Pacific region have been selected as winners of the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence, which is widely recognized as one of the real estate industry’s most prestigious award programmes. This year’s winners, each of which demonstrates a comprehensive level of quality and a forward-looking approach to development and design, include five projects in China, four in Singapore, two in Japan and one from Australia. Each of the winners came from a record high seventy-nine submissions.
A ceremony honouring the winners took place at the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Summit on 24 May, which brought together real estate professionals from across the world.
The 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence winners (owners and designers in parentheses where appropriate) are:
Suining South Riverfront Park – Suining, Sichuan Province, China (Developer: Suining Economic and Technological Development District, Sichuan Province. Designer: Ecoland Planning and Design Corp)
798 Arts District – Beijing, China (Developers: Urbis Development and Beijing Sevenstar Group. Designer: Sasaki)
Beijing Wangjing Universal Creative Square – Beijing, China (Developer: Zhonggeng Group. Designer: Gensler)
Kampung Admiralty – Singapore (Developer: Housing & Development Board, Singapore. Designer: WOHA)
Lakeside Garden – Jurong Lakeside Garden, Singapore (Developer: National Parks Board, Singapore. Designer: CPG Consultants Pte Ltd, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl)
Marrick & Co – Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Developer: Mirvac. Designers: TZG Architects/Mirvac Design)
The Mills – Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong SAR, China (Developer: Nan Fung Development Ltd. Designer: Nan Fung Group Design Department, Thomas Chow Architects)
Nihonbashi 2-Chome Area Project – Tokyo, Japan (Developer: Mitsui Fudosan. Designer: SOM)
Paya Lebar Quarter – Singapore (Developer: Lendlease. Designer: DP Architects)
Punggol Town – Singapore (Developer: Housing and Development Board Singapore. Designer: Housing and Development Board Singapore)
Tri-Seven Roppongi – Tokyo, Japan (Developer: Pembroke Real Estate. Designer: Pembroke Real Estate)
Wuhan Tiandi Site A – Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (Developer: Shui On Land. Masterplanner: SOM, Architects: Ben Wood Studio Shanghai, P&T Group, Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Benoy)
“Against the backdrop of a pandemic and economic disruption, the ULI Asia Pacific Summit has been a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and celebrate truly exemplary real estate projects across the region, which will inspire our industry,” said Nicholas Brooke, chairman of ULI Asia Pacific. “This is yet another example of the value that ULI contributes to the industry through the sharing of knowledge and dissemination of best practice.”
David Faulkner, president of ULI Asia Pacific, commended the high standard of the entries received and said: “The Awards for Excellence programme is very important for ULI as it provides recognition for outstanding development projects and initiatives, and the great work of architects, developers and investors, which we can all learn from. The diverse range of projects from across our region demonstrates that the value of this competition. The winners can be tremendously proud of what they have achieved and we are enormously grateful for the time and effort that have gone in to all of the submissions as part of the process and for the tireless work of our jury members.”
“The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence have gone from strength-to-strength since the competition was first held in 2019,” said Peter Holland, jury chair, director of Cistri, and ULI Global Trustee. “This year, we received our highest number of entries, and the calibre of the projects keeps growing, which made it particularly difficult to narrow the competition to just twelve winners. Whilst the projects vary significantly in scale, typology and geography, they do however, have one common feature: they are all outstanding projects in their own right and they reflect ULI principles.”
The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence programme recognises the full development process of a project, not just its architecture and design. Projects and programmes are evaluated according to the extent to which they:
achieve marketplace acceptance/financial success;
achieve a high standard of excellence across all disciplines—architecture, design, planning, construction, amenities, economics, and management, etc.;
demonstrate relevance to the contemporary and future needs of the community in which they are located;
have a positive impact in their communities and/or immediate context;
exhibit environmental sustainability, stewardship, and resilience; and
provide models, lessons, strategies, or techniques that other communities can replicate or adapt.
The international jury that selected the winning projects is made up of leading ULI members representing multidisciplinary real estate expertise, including finance, planning, development, design, and other professional services. In addition to Peter Holland, the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence jury members across all seven councils in Asia Pacific were: Albert Chan, director, Shui On Land; Rebecca Cheng, director, KPF; Ame Engelhart, director, SOM; Siew Leng Fun, chief urban designer, URA; Choon Fah Ong, CEO, Edmund Tie & Co; Gordon Hatton, vice president, head of Japan, Pembroke; Sang Hun Yim, director, IGIS Asset Management; Ko Iwahori, managing partner, Acadia Capital/Mitsubishi Estate; Roger Nelson, managing director, NH Architecture; Bob Pratt, managing director/global co-head of design & construction, Tishman Speyer; Adrian To, general manager, Swire Properties; and Sylvester Wong, vice president, AECOM.
All of the winning entries will be automatically entered into the 2021 ULI Global Awards for Excellence. ULI will announce the winners of the Global Awards for Excellence in conjunction with the ULI Fall Meeting in October. A recording of the ceremony is now available on ULI’s Knowledge Finder platform.
For further information about the competition, please visit:https://asia.uli.org/awardsforexcellence/
About the Urban Land Institute
The Urban Land Institute is a non-profit education and research institute supported by its members. Its mission is to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the institute has over 45,000 global members representing all aspects of land use and development disciplines.
ULI has more than 2,500 members in the Asia Pacific region across 7 council networks. For more information on ULI Asia Pacific, please visit asia.uli.org or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
About the ULI Awards for Excellence programme
The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence was launched in 2019 as a regional version of the ULI Global Awards for Excellence program. ULI first began the Awards for Excellence programme in 1979 to recognise truly superior development efforts in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Winning projects represent the highest standards of achievement in the development industry—standards that ULI members deem worthy of attainment in their professional endeavours. Today the development community widely recognises the ULI Global Awards for Excellence programme as one of its most prestigious awards programs. More information available at uli.org/gae.